MindShift Power Podcast

Episode 54: Bey & Bess

Fatima Bey The MindShifter Episode 54

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In this episode, my guest Erica Bess, a Trauma Therapist, and I, a MindShift Coach, share an exciting announcement: we're joining forces to launch a new initiative together! We also discuss the experiences that have motivated us to embark on this journey. Tune in for some inspiration!

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Thank you for listening.

Fatima Bey
And welcome everyone. Today we have with us Erica Bess. You've heard her before. She's a trauma coach in the Capital Region of New York. And we are making a special announcement today.

Fatima Bey
We're going to introduce something we are starting together in September of 2024. It's called Bey & Bess. Tune in because this may inspire you. I'm Fatima Bey.

Erica Bess
And I'm Erica Bess. And together we are Bey & Bess.

Fatima Bey
So what is Bey & Bess? Well, it's talk and dance therapy.

Erica Bess
So my background is being a trauma therapist and what we're gonna do with Bey & Bess is have a bunch of girls come together and talk about their traumas and learn ways to inspire and get rid of those traumas and finally find the passion that's deep down inside underneath all those traumas and bring them out.

Fatima Bey
Then we're gonna take all of that emotional energy because after you get done having a talk session and you've dug deep and you've talked about some really serious things, there's a lot of emotional energy there and a lot of times we're just sent home with it

Fatima Bey
What's different with Bey & Bess is we're going to take that emotional energy and we're going to do something with it. So that's where the dance therapy comes in. We're not just going to dance like Zumba. Oh, this is fun. We're going to dance our cares away. We're going to dance anger away. We're going to dance strength within us. We're going to add strength through the dance to actions and words that we do. I'm not going to give you more details than that because you'd have to come to see, but, but that's the goal. That's the idea behind it. and That's so that's our goal. That's that's what we're doing. So you know that Erica is a trauma therapist. She's she's been on here before and She's talked you've heard her talk before. What I have not talked about a lot on this podcast is actually myself So I have guests on and you you hear my opinions all the time, but I don't really talk about my own coaching so I am a mind-shift coach and

Fatima Bey
This podcast is called mind shift because I believe that shifting your mind is where it all begins. Giving you tools and tips is not very helpful if you don't first shift your mind to put them in the right place to use them in the first place so, that's my belief. So as a mind shift coach I help people to shift their thinking for their own success. So the areas of focus that I have as a mind shift coach is how to find your own purpose. And then once you find your exact purpose, I don't mean a, I don't mean a politically correct, everybody has a purpose. Yay. I hope you fit into this box kind of stuff. I mean your exact purpose, like you were specifically meant to work with children. You were specifically meant to find the cure for this, whatever it is.

Fatima Bey
So I help people find their exact purpose, their individual purpose. Once you discover your individual purpose, I truly believe that you should be making money off of your calling, whatever that is. Your gifts are all there because of your calling. So you should be making money off of it instead of working a job. Nobody should just be working a job. Jobs are for people who don't know who they are. Careers are for the people that do. Just think about that. Go back and repeat that. yeah So go back and replay that. So I focus on that. My other focus is obviously teenagers. And then my fourth focus and in the future, you will, it will become my biggest focus is balance. I do a lot of teaching on balance. I help people to find balance in the areas of life that they need balance. I'll give you a little clue.

Fatima Bey
If you have an area of your life that's not working, 100% of the time something is out of balance. What that is and why, you have to find out. Exactly. That's going to be different for all of us. It's not one size fits all. but So as a MindShift coach, that's what I do. I do group sessions. I do individual coaching. I go to schools, especially high schools. I love, love, love, love, love going to high schools. And I do workshops. I do speaking engagements, all of that. And ah so that's what I do outside of the podcast. And I thoroughly enjoy it.

Fatima Bey
The other thing you need to know about me is I'm a huge, huge, huge salsa dancer. Anybody who knows me knows that me and salsa are one. Salsa. If salsa was a man, he'd be my boyfriend. So that's how much we are in love. So I love dancing, period, but salsa in particular is my form of music. um And no, not all the dancing that we do at Bey & Bess is going to be salsa. But my point is, is that I am am already a dancer. um Of course, salsa will be incorporated in it because anything I do, it's required by law that it has to include salsa. But um it will include some of that, but it'll be all different kinds of dance forms and different kinds of music because it's not going to be the same all the time because that's boring.

Fatima Bey
Um, but I also am a dancer. So she's Erica is going to do, she is the in charge of the talk therapy and I'm her assistant there. I'm in charge of the dance therapy and she's my assistant there. So together you have a therapist. and a coach. Working together. Yes. and yeah And the truth is, people, you really, honestly, you need both in your life. You need to figure out how you got messed up in the first place or how you got to where you're thinking, and then you need someone to take you from there to the future and like kick you in the butt when you need it and encourage you and all of that good stuff.

Erica Bess
That was beautifully explained.

Fatima Bey
Why, thank you. so ah So, you know, together, I think we are, as a team, are great we're we're able to to help people in ways that one one position alone can't help because the truth is everything on earth requires some sort of teamwork, requires some sort of coupling. So in our case, it's it's a therapist and a coach, and we're extremely, both of us are extremely passionate about the particular groups that we're going to focus on. The groups of of of people that we're focusing on are, first of all, biologically born females. And in today's society, we have to make sure we say that to to make sure we're clear. the The girls and females that we're focused on are number one, teenage girls. So this is for teenage girls who are stressed and want to build confidence. Now, one of the biggest things, and it's very huge for both of us, is not just for you to heal from trauma,

Fatima Bey
But to build confidence because healing is a journey. It might take a minute, but you shouldn't just stay there and say, Oh, I'm not, I'm not, uh, having, I'm not having panic attacks anymore. So I'm good. No, you are not. You're not whole yet. So we don't want you to just be healed. We want you to be whole. So that's where we want to take you beyond just the going through therapy over and over again and not changing. We ain't about that.

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
So we want, we want people to actually grow. So teenage girls who are stressed and and need to build confidence. The reason I mentioned the stress part is that nowadays for you adults listening who don't understand our teenagers are going, our teenage girls, especially are far more stressed than we ever were. They live in a different society. They deal with a lot of crap we never had to deal with growing up. And I recognize that and I understand them. So

Fatima Bey
I love teenagers, and most of y'all know that already if you've been listening to me. I love teenagers, but specifically I know I'm called to teenage girls. I used to run a dorm at Job Corps that was full of teenage girls, and I held a group like this there.  Not because they required it, but because it was needed and I wanted to. And a lot of breakthroughs happened. Those girls are still, in some of those girls are still in contact with me today, many, many years later. ah So teenage girls who are stressed and need to build confidence. And Erica, you tell the next group.

Erica Bess
Women abuse survivor um is the name of this group. And it's going to encompass sexual abuse, domestic violence and trafficked women.

Fatima Bey
So why are you so passionate about this particular group?

Erica Bess
I'm passionate about this particular group because I am actually a survivor of domestic violence and Sexual abuse and I went through my own journey of prostitution I wouldn't say I was necessarily trafficked, but I was in the world of prostitution So it's passionate to me because of that

Fatima Bey
And for me I've never been sexually abused never nor been trafficked But domestic violence is a passion of mine as well, because I too have been a victim of domestic violence, but not in the same way. I was the child of someone who was abused. And that is a different kind of trauma. Most people don't think about it that way. And it's still abuse that you're experiencing.

Erica Bess
Absolutely. Yep.

Fatima Bey
And in the third group is for Spanish-speaking women. Yes. So for Spanish-speaking women, we're looking to build their confidence. We're looking

Fatima Bey
For that particular group, we're going to be helping women who don't speak English because they need just as much help as we do. But if not even more.

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
And if they're speaking Spanish, well they're not speaking English. They came from another culture. And that is a major factor. That is a major factor. both of ah Both of us are very sensitive to that. We both happen to speak Spanish. So that's why we added that because we can do it.

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
So those are the three groups that we're focusing on now. Some of you are wondering, well, you might not be wondering, you probably can hear a passion and know why are we doing this? Because it's freaking needed. That's as simple as that. It is so, so needed in this country, but especially in the counties where we are, where we're going to be holding it. So it's very much needed. Um, and what's different with Bey & Bess, we are not under any government system.

Fatima Bey
We are not politically correct we're just freaking correct and effective okay and that's what we care about for real so we're not trying to do anything crazy or anything anybody would see as you know way out there we're not trying to do that either but we're not under some of the restrictions that many of your quote unquote systems are under, which makes us far more effective because we don't have to hold back and trust me, we won't. And you've heard us talk enough. so you

Erica Bess
Especially for Fatima.

Fatima Bey
Well, she ain't lying. I am pretty blunt, but that's exactly why people come to me and that's exactly why teenagers listen to me. I don't, uh, I don't, say I don't dictate, and I don't sugar-cool shit and tell you it's chocolate.

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
If it's shit, it's shit, and I'll just tell you that.

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
And then we can figure out how to clean it up.

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
And I'm but very much about that. But i am I have, since I was a child, I always like to say, since I was a children, and I wanted to help children. that Since I was a children. I have always been very, very passionate about helping

Fatima Bey
Young women especially. And my biggest thing is helping them to gain their self-esteem because I understand how detrimental it is. when you don't believe in yourself and you see yourself as less than. Absolutely. In whatever capacity. And it affects every single part of your life. It affects your relationship. It affects your career. It affects your schooling. It affects you not going after things you should, because you don't think you're worth it or you don't think you can because you think you're stupid. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. These are thoughts that many, many young women in America and Canada have

Fatima Bey
About themselves on a regular basis. And that hurts me to my core because it is so not true.

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
There are some crappy people out there, but most of the people that think they are crappy are not. That's what I've learned. The ones who are crappy, they need to start thinking that way.

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
But most of y'all are out there that think that you're not worth it you are wrong. You are absolutely wrong. You are worth it. And I want to be able to to affect women, young women in in a really personal way. So I will also add for Erica and I, this is literally our ultimate dreams put into one basket.

Erica Bess
So true.

Fatima Bey
What in our heart of hearts, what we're doing with Bey & Bess, that's what I really want to do.

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
That's what I really want to do. I started becoming an advocate for anti-human trafficking because I really want to help young women who don't value themselves and get into that one way or another in the first place. And because that's 90% of the time where it comes from. And and I understand that. And I want to help people to see their own value. And why? Because i I too had to go through my own journey and struggle to see my own value. And I still have my moments, but thank God they're only moments now. They're not a way of a consistent way of thinking.

Erica Bess
Right, exactly.

Fatima Bey
And Now, some of you guys might ask, why are you telling us about this? Because some of you need to be doing exactly what we're doing, but your own version of it.

Fatima Bey
We are not We are not one of these people that's like, we're great, look at us, everybody come look at us, worship us, blah blah blah, which most people do. Oh my God, aren't we pretty? Aren't we great? Oh my God, look at me, look at look me, look at me. We're not about that. and And the people who are out there doing what we're doing, or similar to what we're doing, are not our competition. They are They are our fellow people who are helping. We want more people to do what we're doing. in fact We want to see more groups start up. we We want that. And for people to do it in different ways, because we are not all the same. And therefore, because we're not all the same.

Fatima Bey
We don't all respond the same to the same way. So so there might be some a Sarah and a Joe who start something like we're doing. And, you know, it's for a different group of people and and they approach it in a different way.

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
Well, good for Sarah and Joe. They're helping people.

Erica Bess
But they're still not Fatima and Erica.

Fatima Bey
That's true. They're not going to be doing this. No, but really what we we are so So passionate about this and we're so excited to be announcing this and it's been ah ah works It's been in the works for like the past nine months to a year.

Erica Bess
Yeah, and we're launching it in September finally because for nine months I think ah we

Fatima Bey
you know, wanted to make sure we took our time to put everything together and we're organized. Erika will tell you I'm extremely professional and extremely organized.

Erica Bess
Oh yes, and she's very good with the tech side too.

Fatima Bey
So I am very, you know, I want to make sure that all our ducks are in a row the best they can be anyway,

Erica Bess
Right. Quack! Quack!

Fatima Bey
There's always going to be more ducks after you organize your row. but

Fatima Bey
See, this is what we do off the air and why we it's hard for us to get work done. So because she's always got these side comments to make me laugh. So ah i want you I want you all to listen to our passion, listen to what we're doing, listen to the idea behind what we're doing, and find a way to do your own version of something that you care about. You might need to join. You might not want to just start your own thing like we're doing. You might want to join someone who's already doing what you're passionate about. But do something. There's something that you care about. I'm passionate about our youth and and women. you know I help young men, but I'm not passionate about men the same way I'm passionate about women. That's just true.

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
That's because that's my calling. It's not because there's anything wrong with men or I don't like them.

Fatima Bey
That's my calling, so I'm specific to it. where And you, too, should be specific to your calling. Maybe you are called to transgendered and gay people. Go there. You are called to animals. You're called to politics, whatever, whatever. go there and take your focus and don't apologize for not being all inclusive. We're not all inclusive. We're very, very focused on certain people. Very specific. Very specific. And that's that. Yep. In a non-discriminatory way.

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
Because it's it's group setting. And so having the same kind of people in in the group, it does matter when it comes to that. um But whatever your focus is for you, please go and do go and do it to it. If you don't know how,

Fatima Bey
Find out how. Don't just sit there and say, I don't know how. Well, guess what sitting there and say, I don't know how does. You got to ask somebody. You can find out.

Erica Bess
You can.

Fatima Bey
Honestly, there's nothing you can't find out on YouTube.

Erica Bess
Yeah. YouTube and Google. Come on. Right.

Fatima Bey
Right. But but ask somebody, ask a professional, ask somebody, you know, I have this idea and I don't know what to do with it. You know, get a coach. I mean, that's how we do it.

Erica Bess
Hello, call Fatima Bey.

Fatima Bey
I am good at that. I am very good at that. I'm pinpointing and I'm unafraid to be very specific with you once i once I know.

Erica Bess
Once she finds out what your gift is, she's going to shift your mind into you realizing what it is and she's going to make you do what you need to do because you're called to do it and she's going to find out what it is. So all you have to do is have a couple of conversations with her. She already knows what to do.

Fatima Bey
For those of you listening, I would advise you to listen to episode two of this podcast because it is evidence of that. A seventeen year old a local 17-year-old girl who's now going to college. I'm so excited. A local 17-year-old girl, which I actually have done that with her, still in contact with, I'm still coaching her through college and everything. i'm And i I just, I'm very passionate about making sure that people are doing their calling. One of the reasons why misery is so high in America, because so many of us are working fricking jobs,

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
That we don't like and instead of a career.

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
When you work a career, and you've all heard this before, it's not, ah you don't work a day in your life.

Fatima Bey
You have a moment where you want to drop kick somebody in the forehead or throw your computer out the window. You get frustrated or go downtown and beat up the mayor, whatever it is. Whatever it is. We all feel like that at times. but And that's normal. So don't don't feel bad if you feel that way sometimes. It's really normal. But if you're feeling like that every day, then something is wrong. And sometimes what's wrong is you're out of place. like a fish out of water.

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
A fish is beautiful in water. It's meant to breathe the agua. It has fins, it has gills and all all of that stuff in the water. But if you take that fish and you put him on the table, well, he's not going to be comfortable because he's not in the right place. He's not in the place that he was built for. And so that's one passion of mine as a coach.

Fatima Bey
but For Bey & Bess, I just want you guys to know that we're starting this and I want to inspire other people to live out their dreams. This has been a long time coming and I recognize now that I have been skirting around this my entire life, doing everything around it except doing this. And this is what I'm built to do. And I recognize I really am a coach because I used to think, well, I should be a therapist. Now I'm a coach.

Erica Bess
Definitely a coach.

Fatima Bey
And she's definitely a therapist. And that's a beautiful thing, though. We've got a balance. yeah we're We're not the same. Look at her logo, by the way. Isn't that cute? It's pretty.

Fatima Bey
But the logo represents Bey & Bess, you know, the two B's back to back because we have each other's back, number one, but you need both sides to create the whole. You need coaching and you need therapy. And if you think you don't need therapy, that's why you need therapy. Because trust me, you do.

Erica Bess
Everybody's got some kind of trauma, something to work through.

Fatima Bey
You might not need as much therapy as the rest of us.

Erica Bess
Right. and Not everybody needs that much. It depends on your situation. 

Fatima Bey
And sometimes therapy is just there to keep you balanced. You don't have to be crazy cuckoo with something wrong with you to need therapy.

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
Therapy sometimes it's good to talk to the therapist just to bounce ideas off and keep you mentally balanced

Erica Bess
Yes to process things yes to make you realize see things that you don't see

Fatima Bey
Right. If for nothing else see a therapist for that right and a coach will help you to reach your goals but Ain't no coaching in the world gonna work if you won't. So if you're not willing, don't bother me. Leave me alone. Don't waste my time. Don't waste any coaches' time. Now some of them will take your money anyway. But nobody can help you until you're willing to be helped.

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
Just keep that in mind. um And when it comes to Bey & Bess, that's our attitude there too. We don't want people to come who are just looking for something to do and looking for somebody else to powder their booty and feel sorry for them. Not here, go away.

Erica Bess
Did she just say powder your booty?

Fatima Bey
Yep. That's not what we're here for. We are here to hug you and love you. We will cry with you because I know I will.

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
But we are here to love you and hug and and hug you and we probably will and and encourage you and help to build you up. but what we will But only if you are willing to still put the work in. We'll do our half. But you have to do the other half.

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
And once you do your other half, you will see how you've grown and how you're beginning to flourish and how the mind shift has gotten you to open up your your vision about yourself and what you want to do as a person or individual or as as a group or somebody else. Whatever it is, it's going to take that trauma, flush it out the water,

Fatima Bey
nd then get you to focus on your passions through the mindshift coaching. And then when the dance piece comes in, forget about it. You're going to be unstoppable.

Erica Bess
For real

Fatima Bey
Because we're going to, there's a, I'm not going to say on the air what it is, but there's a whole lot of perks, um, that we specifically designed, uh, that are going to come with, uh, a Bey & Bess membership. So, and we're not calling them, they're not patients because they're not fricking projects.

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
So our, our, I can't stand that. I really can't, it, it angers me actually. are are the people who are who are going to be joining Bey & Bess. They are not projects, they're people. They are members of Bey & Bess. They are not projects that we get to talk at, talk about and just write notes about and say, what do you think all the time without even more than just that, so

Erica Bess
yeah that's right. 

Fatima Bey
So but our our people are members and we really we really see you that way and and we want them to feel that way. So

Fatima Bey
Erica, is there anything else? I know I've done a lot of talking because I'm so passionate. i just get know hey um Is there anything else that you want to add? 

Erica Bess
I just want to add that we are so excited to launch in this September 2024 and that we are waiting for you girls. And if you guys are ready, we are too. So just come on down and let's make it happen. 

Fatima Bey
Now, the thing that you need to know, this is ah local at the moment. It's for Schenectady Montgomery and Fulton counties of New York and upstate, New York. So we're starting off here. 

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
We will get bigger. ah We know we're going to get bigger, bigger and better and branch out. 

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
But we're going to start off here first. We're not foolish and try to do everything at once because that is foolish. 

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
A lesson I had to personally learn in my life, but um we're going to start off with that baby steps and then grow it up and then we'll and then we'll grow it up and And another one of our goals that I didn't mention here is we want to build a sisterhood. 

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
It's important that all of our members feel supported. We do not want worshipers. We don't want people bowing down to us. We don't want people being co-dependent on us. That is unhealthy for them. And we don't need the ego boost. I already know I'm great.

Erica Bess
Yeah Me too. 

Fatima Bey
But really, we're not we're not about making them ah cling to us or having to talk to us all the time. We want them to be independent. They need to be independent because then you're healthy. Then you're healthy. And also having other young women realize that there are women who can be supportive and not just catty and jealous. 

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
And, you know, because some women have that mentality that, you know, other women are just bitches because that's what they've experienced. And while some of the times that is true, there's so many other women out there who actually are supportive of, you know, our real sisters. 

Erica Bess
Yeah. And we want you guys to know that we want you to experience that.

Fatima Bey
So we have other details Specifically set up to foster that so you're not just gonna come in and get a little session for an hour and leave and that's it 

Erica Bess
Oh, no 

Fatima Bey
We have a whole system set up. Oh, you're gonna get a lot more than that, but you got to come to see 

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
So, in our our website and The smart link is in the ah is in the podcast description. So go look at the website now by the way self plug I built the whole website myself and 

Erica Bess
And I didn't help.

Fatima Bey
See, I don't like you no more. No. That's my part. I actually like doing stuff like that. So I did build it. All the colors, all the flowers, everything you see. I even built the flowers. Yes, I made the flowers. 

Erica Bess
I think I suggested some ideas. I don't know. It might be in there somewhere. 

Fatima Bey
But yeah, take a look at the website so you can see more details of what we're about. We also, because this is coming out of our pockets, This is coming out of our own personal funds, and we really can't afford it, but we're doing it anyway, because where there's a will, there's a way. 

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
We are taking donations. There's a donation page on our website. If you want to help out the cause. If you want to help out, we'd love it. We're not asking anybody to give anything in return. We're not doing tip for tat. If you want to give, give. If you don't, don't. I mean, it's really that simple. And if you do, we'd appreciate it.

Fatima Bey
Show them. Because all of the money will actually go to everything we're doing. 

Erica Bess
Yeah, benefiting all the girls. 

Fatima Bey
Yes. And the things that we're going to do with them in the future, too. So um with all that being said, yay. Yay, 

Erica Bess
Bey & Bess! Bey & Bess! 

Fatima Bey
We did it. This is what it's like when we get together. So you know you're going to have fun, so. 

Erica Bess
Yes. No question! We'll have breakthroughs, and then we'll have fun. 

Fatima Bey
Absolutely! We can do a little bit of both because I can be extremely intense and deep and serious and then the biggest goofball right afterwards 

Erica Bess
Yeah like within the same second 

Fatima Bey
Yeah maybe the same minute but yeah and and and in this setting that's actually helpful because sometimes you need the comic relief and then sometimes

Fatima Bey
And so you sometimes you yeah you just need both so thank you all for listening thank you guys and I hope you're excited with us please follow us on social media on the smart link and comment all over everything everything because when you comment it raises up any posts to uh it changes with the algorithm it just raises up the post visibility um So comment on everything. Send us messages of encouragement. We absolutely love it. um We want to hear what you have to say as well. We do like opinions. So please just, you know, message us. Find us on social media and comment to everything and comment and give if you want to. If you know any girls that you feel like would be perfect for us, you can send us some information about them as a referral as well, or give them the link so that they can look at our website as well.

Fatima Bey
And then they can reach out to us. But if you know anybody who wants to do it, send them in the direction to us. Yes, there will there will be applications. There are applications on the website. um They can fill out an application to become a member, right then and there. We will have a waiting list. ah We already know that. We already have people we havent and we already have people waiting ah to to sign up. So we will have a waiting list. So I strongly urge you um to have a sense of urgency with it and don't wait um because there will be a waiting list and then you might have to wait months before you can get in.

Erica Bess
Got be quick!

Fatima Bey
Yeah we we have to keep it we have to keep it small in order to be effective for all the girls and for them to feel you know a sense of privacy to a certain degree so um uh also i feel the need to mention this wasn't going to mention this but i will on the website the locations are there but the times and dates are not uh please understand that we are dealing directly with some domestic violence victims We will not put the times and dates on the website because we're going to protect them. I don't want to have to kill somebody because that showed up at the show. 

Erica Bess

Fatima Bey
Oops, did I say that out loud? oops I don't want to have to put somebody in the hospital and because they showed up. and i don't want I just don't want.

Fatima Bey
And I don't want them, ah you know, any of our girls to feel any kind of fear or stay unsafe at all. 

Erica Bess
Yeah, absolutely. Yes. These are priority.

Fatima Bey
Exactly. So for that reason, we will only members will get the exact times and dates. The locations are there. So you know what buildings we're going to be in, but you don't know when. um So just so you know that that's intentional. um ah Yeah. Thank you for listening. 

Erica Bess
Thank you.

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