MindShift Power Podcast
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MindShift Power Podcast
How Homelessness Fueled My Dreams: Episode #64
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From homeless teen to transformational youth leader - Coach Carmen Duncan's inspiring journey reveals how determination and the right support system can change everything! In this powerful episode, the founder of Mission Accomplished Transition Services shares her path from teenage homelessness to becoming a multi-award winning champion for youth success.
Through authentic storytelling and hard-earned wisdom, Coach Carmen demonstrates how resilience, education and mentorship can transform lives, while offering hope and practical guidance for others facing similar challenges.
This transformative episode explores:
- How observing resilience in others builds inner strength for facing our own challenges
- The critical difference between mentors, coaches and sponsors in creating lasting change
- Why your current situation doesn't have to be your final destination
- The importance of showing up for yourself while accepting help from others
- How trauma and negative messaging can impact our ability to progress
- Building an entrepreneurial mindset despite difficult circumstances
- Creating opportunities for teens through career development and business education
Perfect for: Teens facing housing instability or family challenges, young people seeking career guidance, adults working with at-risk youth, aspiring entrepreneurs, and anyone looking to turn adversity into opportunity. Plus: Essential insights on finding and leveraging support systems while building resilience and professional success.
To learn more about Coach Carmen Duncan, please click on the links below.
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Thank you for listening.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
And welcome every everyone. Today we have with us Coach Carmen Duncan. She is out of Schenectady, New York. She's the founder of Mission Accomplished Transitional Services. She is multi-award winning. And we are talking today because November is Runaway Homeless Youth Month. So I thought it was an appropriate time to have this conversation. And boy, does she have a story to tell. If you're not inspired by the end of this conversation, then there's something wrong with you. All right, Coach Carmen, how you doing?
Coach Carmen
I'm doing fabulous today. Thank you for asking. How are you?
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
i'm I'm good. I'm really looking forward to this conversation. So I like to dive right in. How did you become homeless?
Coach Carmen
Unfortunately, my my dad was sentenced to several years in prison, which ah led to some contention between my siblings and my step-family, which led to me being disconnected from my step-family, which left me in the city of Albany, New York by myself as a as a teenager. So while my step-family was here, um because of the contention, I did not feel comfortable
Coach Carmen
reaching reaching out to them. And then I also did not have ah the best relationship with my sister who was living up here at at the time. So that led to me bouncing from one house to the next as a high school student until I found a home.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
And how old were you?
Coach Carmen
I was 17, I was 16 or 17 at that time.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Definitely a tough spot to be in as a teen. And I know there's a lot of other teens out there right now who are where you were. And they just don't let people know about it because it's hard to talk about.
Coach Carmen
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
And how did you get out of homelessness?
Coach Carmen
Well, I was fortunate enough to have a friend and a friend's mom ah who allowed me to stay with them in their home, although they did not know me for a very long time.
Coach Carmen
Uh, so I, I call her TT, TT Randella or TT Della. Um, so she is definitely an auntie to me now and from then until, until now. So she, we only knew each other for about six months, my friend, Sarita and I, um, and her mom.
Coach Carmen
just she took she took me in she was able to recognize that there was something that was going on and she had been a foster mom before so she had that intuitive sense um and so i stayed with them for i believe about a year maybe it was six months but that was so long ago but you know stayed with them for for some time and during that time i was connected to
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Coach Carmen
a guidance counselor at Albany High School who was my best friend's guidance counselor. Her name is Ms. Baker who connected me with one of the counselors at the school who ultimately ended up sharing the opportunity to apply for the independent living program through a local community-based organization. And that right that independent living program allowed for or provided housing for youth in a runaway homeless system and what they did was pay for our rent and our utilities and we had to take care of our food and our our personal care items, our clothes, but they made sure that that we had a a safe place to live.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
That's awesome. So what I'm hearing is that you had several people, not just one who who stepped in and did, each of them did something.
Coach Carmen
Yes, yeah.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
It wasn't just one person who fell out from the sky and was your savior.
Coach Carmen
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
It was people who recognized, um, we recognize something and said, okay, what can, what can I do to help?
Coach Carmen
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
And I think very often in life, we, we think that we have to do everything or have to have all the answers and we don't, we just need to do something.
Coach Carmen
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
and a whole bunch of somethings is what helped you. I want to go back into um when you did first become homeless. I think it's important to talk about that part ah for people to hear, where was your mind before during that time when you you're just like, what am I going to do? um And you started hopping from house to house.
Coach Carmen
I don't remember. I mean, i yeah, I don't remember. I do know that while that was a very devastating time of my life, I'm grateful that I have
Coach Carmen
a mom who showed me what it meant to be resilient, a grandmother who showed me what it meant to be to be resilient.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Coach Carmen
ah So you know that was ingrained in me. And you know the the adults in our life don't realize that they're that they're planting seeds when they are showing up for themselves and for you, um especially during times of survival.
Coach Carmen
So I believe that because I witnessed my mom make things happen um through trials and tribulations, I just naturally, it the resilience just kicked in of, you know one, not graduating and not going to school was not an option.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
yes i was going ask you but
Coach Carmen
Two, um you know i I utilize my resources three i was wherever I could be until I felt like you know my my I was there for too too long I had overstayed my welcome so I will go to the next house um and then four I just I learned how to still look the part so people didn't know what was going on and some of that look in the part was
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Yes, I was gonna ask you about that. Mm hmm.
Coach Carmen
towards my mom too because my mom didn't live up here so she would come and she would visit and and it was like I'm working and you know I i still got the clothes and stuff you know I'm not showing that I'm super down or anything when she came up because I understood that if I moved back home with her my life was going to go a complete different direction because I moved up here with my father because I was ah getting very heavily involved in in street violence. And um the last situation was could have been a very a life or death situation. And even to this day, um you you know for the people who are who are listening, you might hear in my voice that I'm downplaying it. But I was in a volatile situation. I was moving towards a very volatile relationship with friends in the streets. So i was I was smart enough to understand if I go back home, I know what direction I'm going to go. So I'd rather weather the streets here where people don't really know me and and just and figure it out. And that's what I did.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
I think it's awesome that you were, that you recognize that as a teenager. Um, cause that's a tough spot to be in. And I think you just made a very powerful statement about the fact that you watched resilience of those around you. Um, in your case, it was your mother. And I think you said your grandmother.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
you know for some people it might be someone down the street if they don't have relatives but watching the adults around you and adults if you're listening what you do right now good or bad really matters so that's an important statement now I want you to tell us how did now I mentioned that you are the
Coach Carmen
Mmhmm. Mmhmm.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
the founder of Mission Accomplished Transition Services. What about this, what we're talking about right right now, what does that have to do with why what you so why you started Mission Accomplished?
Coach Carmen
Well, all those people that I mentioned, they weren't biologically attached to me, but they had and an affinity to me as a human and a commitment to me as a young person and wanting to see me be safe and graduate from high school. So those coaches, mentors, sponsors um who showed up for me helped me navigate a very challenging time
Coach Carmen
of my life in a way that led to me being in safe housing, being able to secure my my job, and being able to prepare to move on to college. So if those individuals were not there for me, where would I have been? So as a result,
Coach Carmen
I made the decision to start Mission of Accomplish Transition Services to provide the same services that individuals provided to me. And I also was a big sister through Big Brothers Big Sisters, which is a mentoring organization. And I was able to see that there are a lot of young people who who need who need that support, regardless of what your social economic background is, right? Because a lot of times,
Coach Carmen
people believe that the individuals who need mentorship most or coaching most are those people who come from disenfranchised backgrounds. But you'll hear everyone up to you know the president of the United States. I'm sure you asked them, who was the most helpful to you during the most pivotal time of your life when you were transitioning into college and career?
Coach Carmen
And in addition to their parents, they're going to mention teachers and coaches and you know just other adult supports that were around who believed in them and challenged them, supported them, was their cheerleader. And all of us, when we have that network of support who value us as human beings and value the goals that we have in our life so much so that they are willing to dedicate time in their very fulfilling schedules to help you figure out how to get to that next place is how we get to that next place.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Mm-hmm. I want to point out something to the audience right now if you're listening to what coach Carmen is saying She got all of that assistance. She got really great support from people around her and they weren't quote-unquote family and I'm constantly telling people some of the best people around you or some some of the best family aren't not necessarily blood related and There are people who care about you who will support you and they don't care where you came from
Coach Carmen
Coach Carmen
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
And they just want to help you to get to where you should be.
Coach Carmen
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
There are a lot of us out there like that.
Coach Carmen
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
But the other part I want to point out, if you were listening, and you especially if you're young and you're listening, she didn't just sit there and expect them to carry her anywhere.
Coach Carmen
Coach Carmen
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
She took their assistance, but she also did her part. She had a determination. She said, I'm going to finish school no matter what things look like. She didn't just sit there.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
I'm sure she cried a lot. but ah She didn't just sit there and cry and pout and do nothing and say, well, somebody's got to help me and expect someone else to carry you.
Coach Carmen
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
No one's going to carry you in a wagon. We'll grab your hands and walk with you, but you still have to walk too. I just wanted to point that out.
Coach Carmen
here Yeah, and that's ah that's a critical point. That's a critical point because through my journey as a mentor, as a coach, as a sponsor, which for those of you out there who may not know the difference between the three,
Coach Carmen
A mentor is someone who provides more general support. They're there for you personally and or professionally. They give you guidance on whatever you may come to them for. A coach is someone who is very results driven.
Coach Carmen
You establish a goal, you have action steps, and their commitment to you is to ensure that you meet your, that you that you achieve your goal by the specific timeframe that you have set for yourself while assisting you with developing that level of confidence in order to achieve that goal. And a sponsor is someone who has a level of influence and they also have resources that they are able to share with you in order to get you closer to the goal that you have for yourself. So a sponsor is someone who may have influence on an application process for a fellowship. So they provide you with the information for the fellowship and they are willing to verbally promote you
Coach Carmen
and to the to the committee that reviews all of the the applications, which means that you're more likely to get into that fellowship. So it is incredibly important that we show up as as that for our for our young people and and for our peers.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Coach Carmen
but we can only do for them what they are willing to do for themselves. I have found myself in positions where I am working harder for people than they are willing to work for themselves. And that can lead to a level of discouragement and resentment towards that individual.
Coach Carmen
because you're because you you just want to shake them. like Don't you see the potential in yourself?
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Coach Carmen
you know and And they're not following through on expectations that they set for themselves, that y'all set together. And you could become burnt out you know trying to trying to help individuals.
Coach Carmen
It doesn't mean that you go ghost on them. It doesn't mean that you end a relationship. But what it does mean is that you are not showing up for them 100% when they're showing up for themselves 50%.
Coach Carmen
So you you have to, you have it's important to teach people how to treat you too.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Coach Carmen
Because while you mit you have resources, which resource could be information, it could be money, it could be influence, whatever it may be, you have influences. I mean, you have resources, you're a human too.
Coach Carmen
And you want to know that you matter too. And you need to be respected too. And you have to establish that expectation for whomever, regardless of what of what their age is, because then they'll take advantage of your kindness. And sometimes you don't even realize it before it's too late.
Coach Carmen
So I definitely um agree with what Fatima said, where it's like you show up, but you don't overextend yourself.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
very important and thank you for that breakdown of the difference between mentor and coaching and sponsorship because sometimes um that those concepts are misunderstood and the wrong words are used and then what that word means to you does is not what i think it means and it just causes confusion i think sometimes and people are well intended with it but don't always understand that there are differences and and you don't
Coach Carmen
hmm yeah yeah and another thing that i'll say when it comes to sponsors is like they're like the car right like they're they're your driver they're like your chauffeur they drive you to all the opportunities and drop you off and let you go on about your business because they already spoke to someone
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
What's a good analogy?
Coach Carmen
about the value that you bring, but now it's your responsibility to so so secure the the opportunity.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Yes. Yes. And there is a big difference. I mentioned that because I think in today's society we have a couple of different sets of people. Most people fall into these two different categories.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Right now we're talking about youth, but it it this principle extends beyond just teenagers.
Coach Carmen
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
you have the crowd who's like powder my booty and walk me everywhere or you know take carry me everywhere while i just lay back and do nothing and they're the same ones that have excuses for everything instead of solutions for anything and then you have the ones who are just like I don't know what to do.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
I don't know if I can be helped. And those are the people you want to help the most, because those are the ones that usually, if you give them, if you take them to the opportunity, they'll do something with it. They just don't know how.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
And those are the people that I focus on.
Coach Carmen
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
i'm you know and And I think it's important to point that out that you know we are here for you. We are absolutely here for you. But you've got to be there for you, too. And if you're not there for you, I'm not going to do it for you.
Coach Carmen
Coach Carmen
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Coach Carmen
And for those individuals, like that first group of people that you talked about, it's also important for individuals who acknowledge and and and promote them themselves as mentor sponsors and coaches to know that at times, like people, ah people have real trauma.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Yeah. Yeah.
Coach Carmen
You know, people are working walking away around with some real trauma and people make themselves look real good, right?
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Coach Carmen
Because we live in a society where you have to be confident all the time.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Coach Carmen
You need to be smiling all the time. It's kind of like, you know, every time we ask somebody, how are you doing? The immediate response is good. How are you doing?
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Coach Carmen
you know like there's the and they could have just ah had they could be having the most horrible day um but the immediate response is good because we're taught that we always have to show face so i when it comes to the the first group of individuals that you described i believe that it is important while not getting too clinical it's important to ask someone who's showing some apathy in their life what
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Mm hmm.
Coach Carmen
trauma have you had that holds you back from showing up for yourself? Like what what story did somebody tell you?
Coach Carmen
because sometimes you have people that have individuals in their life who will tell them that they're not good enough.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Coach Carmen
So they adopt that. And then you have someone like myself or like you that comes along in there and we're like, you're amazing and you could do anything, right?
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Hmm. Yeah.
Coach Carmen
and But they've been getting messaging from some of the closest people in their life that they that they're not gonna amount to anything. you know, they're they're not beautiful, they're not smart enough, whatever it may be.
Coach Carmen
We just never know what people are carrying.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Mmhmm. Mmhmm.
Coach Carmen
And so it's important to ask that question as well. That doesn't mean you give a pass, but it helps to have a level of understanding why they're not showing up for themselves. And some people will share with you and other people won't.
Coach Carmen
ah But I mean, I reached out to a to a family member after I got into the independent living program. And when I got on the phone with that person, they said, I thought you would be barefoot and pregnant.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Coach Carmen
Yeah, they did.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
it Really share that to you?
Coach Carmen
I thought you would be barefoot and pregnant. And it's like, wow. So you do you haven't come to the school to see if I'm I ate or nothing. yeah You know, but I call you to let you know that I'm okay even though you're the adult in this situation.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Coach Carmen
And one of the first things you say to me is that I thought that you would be barefoot and pregnant.
Coach Carmen
And I carry that with me um since the day that that person said that to me. And it's a fuel It fuels me, right?
Coach Carmen
Because this is something that a person thought about me and I'm not that.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Oh, you're definitely not that. you know which I want to point out something to the audience. So you were you were homeless, you were homeless, and then you got some help. So you got into an independent living program, which is freaking awesome. And what did what else did you go on to do um academically?
Coach Carmen
I have a bachelor's of science in psychology, and I also have a master's in social work with a concentration on a macro, which is management, administration, community development, or organizing, um resource development, and organizational development.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Wow, you're good. Cause I can remember what the acronym stood for either.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
But the reason I wanted to point that out to the audience is I want to point out the fact that you, you were homeless as a 16, 17 year old, which is fricking scary for anybody.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
I don't care who you are.
Coach Carmen
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
You were in a situation, but you didn't stay there. You went on to accomplish things and If you were listening right now, I don't care how old you are. We're talking about teens, but you adults know that some of this applies to you too. No matter where you are in life, you don't have to stay there. You know, it it doesn't have to be where you stay. your Your current situation can be a current situation, but it's your job to make it part of your past. And there are those of us who are, would absolutely love to help you.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
exceed, exceed and excel, etc. But where you were doesn't have to be where you are doesn't have to be where you stay or where you're going if you make a choice today.
Coach Carmen
Yeah. And I would also say to the teens out there, or the ah I would say to the teens as well as the adults who how who have had some unfavorable experiences in their life due to their parents' inability to be able to do certain things.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Coach Carmen
Understand that your parents did the best they could with what they had.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Coach Carmen
and it's taken me a long time to get here today. But you know i have I have some badass parents. like When I really sit back and I think about what my parents have have been through while also showing me what it means to be happy in life and do what you wanna do, I have some badass parents.
Coach Carmen
um You know, my mom, she worked full time while having a business throughout my childhood.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Coach Carmen
And she would take me with her to clean people's houses.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
a lot.
Coach Carmen
So she had a residential cleaning business. And she would take me to clean people's house take me with her to clean people's houses when I was when i was um when i was in my teenage years.
Coach Carmen
And then, and then she ended up, and then she ended up, you know, moving, she continued the business and now she just does commercial, commercial cleaning.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
And I'm sorry, go ahead.
Coach Carmen
But what that showed me is the type of house that I could have.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Coach Carmen
What that showed me is a type of services, support services that I could purchase someday.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Coach Carmen
Um, and then with my father. while my dad has struggled with with addiction throughout throughout his life. you know My dad was a hustler. He would sell CDs out of his car. He would sell sweatsuits. um Daddy sold drugs. you know But what that what that showed me is that I could sell anything I want to.
Coach Carmen
You know, um so and and make a living, make a living out of it. And while he did the the hustling, you know, there were times where he was, you know, he was working for, um in between time, he would be working for human service agencies and helping people who were struggling with substance abuse or in a homeless situation. He's a giver. My dad's a giver and he wants to see people, he wants to see people do well.
Coach Carmen
So I am my parents like even though things did not go that the the traditional way for me as a teenager and I experienced a very challenging time and in it in a led to feelings of abandonment and resentment and and anxiety and paranoia and you know all of those things because I had to take care of myself at such a young age. I didn't get to be a teenager really.
Coach Carmen
right But at the same time, um my parents showed me that you can create your life and you can make money doing what you, you can make money by doing what you want to do, but you do have to present yourself appropriately for you to be able to get clients and and what have you.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Yeah. Right.
Coach Carmen
So the entrepreneurial piece is something that they showed me and probably didn't even realize that they that they showed me. And then both of them are very, very resilient. you know They've gotten through some very hard things in their life and they're still and they're still kicking. you know So i'm i'm grateful I'm grateful that I have the parents that I that i have.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
that's good there's not a lot of people well there's some people who can say similar statements and then there's a lot of people who can't um but i always like to for those of you who are listening who have people in your life that are showing you things if they're not your parents that's still okay it might be an uncle an aunt a grandmother somebody down the street somebody at church somebody at the mosque somebody at a community center whatever um there's the humans around you and we can all learn something from them
Coach Carmen
Coach Carmen
Yes. Yeah. yeah
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
good and bad, you know, because no one's perfect. So we're going to learn good and bad from everyone if we want to. But speaking of entrepreneurship, tell us about Mission Accomplish and what is it that you do?
Coach Carmen
Coach Carmen
Mission Accomplished Transition Services is a career, a non-profit career in business education organization for teens and young professionals up to the age of 35 who are in the fashion, beauty, construction, interior decorating and mural painting industries.
Coach Carmen
ah We have two signature programs. We have our team our teen internship program where students get paid to to learn about the business behind behind the industries and explore the variety of careers that are available to them within within the industries. And then we have our adult program for individuals between the ages of 18 to 35 who have four or more years experience in the industries And they are looking for assistance with developing programs and elevating their their brand so that they are able to ah share their expertise and talents and and get paid for it. So our advanced institutes are perfect for individuals who are who are very passionate about teaching people
Coach Carmen
about certain things within their their particular their particular industry, but they need some assistance with structuring the program and packaging it so that they are able to they're able to sell it. And then also positioning themselves but to be a sought after subject matter expert, adult leader within their their industry.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
I can tell you guys, audience listening, I have personally watched Coach Carmen in front of high school classrooms and she's really good with teens. I have her on here not just because she was a homeless teen, but she works really well with teens too. um If you are in the the capital region, I um strongly advise that you would reach out to reach out to her and reach out to Mission Accomplish if one of those things ah applies to you or one of your kids or somebody around you.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
She's very, Mission Accomplish is very, very, very good at what they do and very thorough.
Coach Carmen
Thank you.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
So I have personally been involved with with them and I've watched um some of the outcomes for some of the students who have come through Mission Accomplish and it's pretty powerful.
Coach Carmen
Thank you.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
i'm So how can people find you?
Coach Carmen
You can you can find us on Instagram at MISSACC12. That's the number one, the number two. And that's on Instagram and Facebook. And you can find me on LinkedIn. And hopefully the the link could be shared in the in the show notes.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Coach Carmen
you connect with me on on LinkedIn and and follow and engage with the mission accomplished social media pages.
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
Fatima Bey The MindShifter
All right. Well, Coach Carmen, thank you so, so much for coming on today. I really appreciate it. And I hope that all of you listeners got something out of this today.